Monday, February 11, 2008

Short Update

I've been busy and haven't posted for awhile. Sorry about that. I was able to come up with a new banner for the blog, though. Let me know what you think!

Hailey will turn seven weeks old this week, but Traci and I have aged considerably. We are finally starting to get her in good schedule: feeding, followed by an hour or so of activity, then a nap. There was a lot of screaming and fussing to get to this point, and Hailey wasn't cooperating, either. (Ba-dum-bum!)

I am back at work now and can't wait to come home and see Hailey every day. We can sometimes make her smile by tickling her cheek or talking in a high-pitched voice. I can honestly tell you that you have never experienced true joy until you have made an infant smile. Traci and I are eating it up.

Traci is still breastfeeding, and Hailey has visibly grown since we brought her home. She already has a round belly like daddy. I've also noticed that even at six weeks of age, she does not have much hair at all. She also has cankle. At first I was really worried that I would have a fat daughter, but I was later told that this is normal and most babies grow out of it. What a relief.

Speaking of overweight babies, what do you all think of this onesie? Should I get it?

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